Monday, November 30, 2020

Day 1 2020


WWE Raw 5/20/02

WWE Undisputed Title Match

Undertaker (c) vs. Rob Van Dam

The night before Taker beat Hulk Hogan for the belt (yes in 2002) and he opened Raw by assaulting Van Dam. Van Dam starts hot and controls most of the early match. Takers selling is a little goofy but his intentions are least RVD isn’t getting pinned by Takers wife. 

Contrary to rumors of Taker during the time, RVD gets his shit in and is booked to even outsmart and hang with Taker. The crowd was really into the finish  and J.R. sells it beautifully. A pretty good high stakes brawl that made both men look good. The match isn’t as good as their Vengeance match but it’s still a TV match worth a watch if you’re bored.