Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Day 1 2021


WWE Money in the Bank 2019
WWE Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Welcome back to “Brock ruins everything!” AKA “Hey pal, think we top Cena as dumbest MITB winner?”. Shit its only the first entry, I can’t be getting bitter this early on…especially considering two of the other matches I have plans for. 

Anywho, this match is a solid mix of young guns with Orton and McIntyre there to provide a veteran element to the match. Namely Orton ducking out of the ring as the other six pair other and brawl. He’s the first to shine as he dumps all babyfaces on the announce table thankfully with much better landings then Singh 1. He also gets a big swell of crowd support which is why we get finishes like the one we got here sometimes. Bunch of marks. 

The match proceeds into what it’s supposed to be. Not just a train wreck match full of ladder spots but also a stage for a new batch of future stars to show off and get that little push over the edge they may need…let’s not talk about what actually happened with Andrade, Ali, and Ricochet following this match though. 

The match for me at least, while fun also has a bittersweet aura to it because you know what’s coming at the end. Imagine being Ricochet or Ali, getting thrown into ladders (Better then working for Ian Rotten though.), taking most of the big bumps and selling your ass off, just to be shoved aside by a roid-gorilla that rightfully treated him holding the briefcase as what it was. A joke.