Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Day 3 2019

Hakim Zane vs. Space Monkey- Glory Pro Wrestling: Only the Strong Survive

This is the first full match I’ve seen from Zane but if you’ve been watching Impact the past year or two, you’re  probably already familiar with him and questioning my credentials to be doing this...you should be doing that regardless. As for Space Monkey, he’s a hyper intelligent monkey whose been to space...hence the name. He’s well traveled wrestling in his native Canada, and in America for various promotions of varying degrees of notoriety, from as well known as CZW to smaller promotions like Freelance. 

Now I know what you’re thinking when you see the name Space Monkey. He’s comedic, he does banana spots, uses tail in spots, checks opponents for bugs...and you’re right he does all of that. But he’s also a really good wrestler. From watching Zane is no slouch either.  With both men being from the same scene, it’s no surprise they work pretty well together. No major spots to really write about, it’s a good match but it’s just kind of card filler. 

While the action is good and I’d recommend checking out Space Monkey, I do have to talk about a negative portion of this match. One of the commentators is refusing to put over Monkeys gimmick. Maybe I got worked but he drained the fun out of the match and sounded legit pissed that Zane would have to sell for a comedy gimmick. Fuck him, it annoyed the hell out of me. 

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