Thursday, December 3, 2020

Day 3 2020


WCW Thunder 2/23/2000

Vampiro vs. Ric Flair

What I’m about to say isn’t revolutionary but let’s talk about Ric Flair for a second. He’s Ric fucking Flair. He’s a multi-time world champ, one of the biggest stars in wrestling’s history, he doesn’t owe anyone mid-carder squat. Hogan would’ve gone out there, beat up Vamp, whipped him, taken a move or two then the match end with Hogan winning. Flair says fuck that. Don’t misconstrue that I’m sure Flairs done a lot of politicking in his day. The result was never in question but Vamp hung with Flair. 

Flair gave Vamp more then most people in his position and standing would. He sells him like an actual threat. He’s not a star in the ring doing a mid-carder a favor (well technically he is), he’s just a vet in there with an eager up and comer...none of that speaks to the quality of the match though. 

As a match it’s fine. It’s a quick TV match. Vamp gets in a Rolling Leg Loco and even has Flair taking a powder. Vamp controls most of the early part of the match before Flair begins to work over his leg. Lex Luger and Miss Elizabeth come down to the ring to aid Flair in picking up the win which again makes Vamp look credible and The Brain points this out. Good sprint, good booking, solid all around.

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