Battle for Christmas
Mark Henry vs. Damien Sandow
WWE Raw 12/23/13
Oh by gosh, by golly, deck the motherfucking halls. This is not gonna be a cheerful review.
Let's talk about Damien Sandow. The dude had his intellectual savior gimmick down to the smallest detail. His promos were great and his wrestling was good. He got over and that was the beginning of the end. Money in the Bank 2013, Rhodes Scholar, the team of Cody Rhodes and Sandow, split up as Sandow cost Cody the briefcase and took it for himself. A feud started between the two, I can't remember if it was any good. But the most memorable part of the feud is a cameo by Sin Cara that lives on in gif form some five years later.
Bottom line, he came out on top of he feud still with the briefcase. WWE had an opportunity. For the first time in a few years they had a fresh face win the briefcase. They had a chance to at least attempt to build a new main eventer...but they didn't attempt it. In fact they did quite the opposite.
Everything the fans loved about Sandow was taken away. The robe, the colorful tights, the more Genius-esq mannerisms, all gone. Sandow was just another Christopher Nowinkski just with some charisma. As I searched for this match on The Network, I rediscovered something. A few weeks before, Sandow cashed in his MITB on an injured World Heavyweight Champion. He worked and champs bad arm before making the cash in official. The problem? The champ was John Cena. Taking three or four of both of Sandows finisher and with busted arm, Cena put Sandow away, making him the first unsuccessful MITB cash in.
Now adays I've seen fans look back following a rather poorly received run in TNA and ask if Sandow could've really been taken seriously. Here's the thing, WWE didn't even try to make him a serious threat. For all we know, it could've worked. He was over, a good hand, had charisma, and hell it was the same belt Great Khali and Jack Swagger held so it's not like his name would stick out. But no, another month of Cena on the road to Daniel Bryans crowning moment. I don't even hate John Cena the same way some fans still do but his booking got tiresome.
As for Sandow? Post cash in, he went back down the card like the whole thing never happened. He was stuck with an imposter gimmick before he was cast as Mizs "stunt double" which got over...then WM 31 happened and once again they threw away any chance Sandow had.
Ok, let's get to the match. Henry is the Good Santa and Sandow is the Bad Santa, looking to ruin Christmas. Henry looks like Medea before taking the wig off. This is a No DQ match and the first weapon spot we see? Sandow gets a swirly. The gimmick is immediately ruined as the toilet falls over and nothing spills out. So for all intents and purposes Henry just shoved Sandows head into a perfectly clean, germ free toilet.
Sandow looks to mount a comeback with a fire extinguisher but he forgets to pull the pin so it doesn't work. Wakka wakka. He actually does get some offense in and eventually makes use of a Candy Kendo Stick...until Henry blocks it and breaks the stick. Some more brawling and another fire extinguisher spot ends Henry to victor with a Worlds Strongest Slam.
Under ordinary circumstances this is just a goofy brawl, no harm no foul. But two weeks before this Sandow was booked to come within a nut hair of beating John freaking Cena. Sandow got dunked in a toilet and shortly after his career would go down the metaphorical toilet. Ignoring that, it's just a goofy gimmick match. Nothing worth seeking, but not anything terrible either.
In conclusion fuck the Meta Powers gimmick.