Saturday, December 1, 2018

Day 1

NXT Tag Team Title Triple Threat Elimination Match
DIY (Johnny Gargano and Tomasso Ciampa) vs. The Revival (Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder) vs. Authors of Pain (Akan and Rezar) (c) w/ Paul Ellering

NXT Takeover: Orlando

There's not much to said about DIY vs. Revival that hasn't already been said. The matches between the two teams are masterpieces, perfect to the last detail. They stand among the best tag team matches of all time. So what happens if you throw AOP into the mix?

At the time AOP were still coming into their own. They had been a tear since debuting in the later half of 2016 and the crowd didn't care for them. But NXT bookers pressed on and eventually took the titles from the super over DIY and put it on AOP. 

Their power and brawler based style adds a new element to the DIY/Revival dynamic. It's like booking Stan Hansen and Bruiser Brody in the same match as Arn and Tully and The Rock and Roll Express. 

The two bitter rivals know if either want to be Champions again, AOP has to go first. Despite some problems along the way DIY and Revival put aside their differences to try and take the near three hundred pounders out of the match. 

It's a great match. The story is really good and the action is phenomenal. The crowd is hot too which all to adds up to another classic in NXTs tag team catalogue. DIY would eventually break up while Revival and AOP were both called up to the main roster. Neither team has done much on the main roster and it's a damn shame especially looking back on matches like this. 

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