Non-tournament Tag Team Match
David Starr and Pastor William Eaver vs. British Strong Style (Trent Seven and Pete Dunne)
Progress Chapter 49: Super Strong Style 16 2017 Day 2
Ok so some backgrounds needed. Super Strong Style 16 is basically Progress' version of PWGs Battle of Los Angelos, featuring frequent talent and some surprises. Like BOLA it's led to wrestlers getting more exposure and a variety of matches. So with that out of the way, Pastor Eaver. Your all at least familiar with BSS and you've probably seen or heard the name David Starr but Eavers the odd man out.
He's been a Progress regular and even held the Progress World Title for a brief run before losing it back to Marty Scurll. He's a lost some shine since and didn't quite break out internationally like some of his contemporaries. As his name implies he has a religious gimmick. He calls himself "The Blessed in the World", he had a signature move called the Clothesline from Heaven and used the power of Christ to floor staff/fans and control opponents (yes it bordered slightly on Jedi more then a man of God but regardless.).
I want to talk about the crowd for a moment as the Progress ultras are one of my favorite crowds. They're up from the get go, ruthlessly heckling Seven about his six second loss to Matt Riddle on night one, chanting Jesus Christ David Starr, they add a lot of fun to the match.
Seven, Eaver, and Starr play up the antics before Dunne has enough and picks up the match. The action turns serious and is just as good as the antics early on. They don't do anything too crazy and the match from there is pretty short but they squeezed a really fun match into only about ten or more minutes. Its not one of a Progress' must see matches but it's enjoyable and the actions solid.
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