Friday, December 21, 2018

Day 21

Tag Team Match
Roppongi 3K (Sho and Yoh) vs Ryuuske Taguchi and Dragon Lee

CEO x NJPW 2018

CEO is a fighting game tournament and since one of NJPWs main eventers is a big video game, the two organizations added NJPW matches to CEOs tournament or convention or whatever. 

Roppongi 3K is a spin off of Rocky Romeros tag team with Beretta called Roppongi Vice. Roppongi, from what I've gathered, is basically Japans Las Vegas. Sho and Yoh were two young lions sent on a learning excursion together and they re-debuted in NJPW as a team and immediately won the NJPW Junior Heavyweight Tag Titles. Dragon is a premiere highflyer from CMLL that came over in their partnership with NJPW and become known for his feud and matches with Hiroyuki Takahashi. Taguchi is similar to the New Day, known for their comedy but legitimately good when the time comes.

Yoh and Taguchi actually start with comedy basically mirroring each other. Sho and Dragon pick up the pace and Dragon spends a majority of the match on the defense. R3K reminds me a lot of the MCMGs, two young, fast paced, smooth wrestlers with great chemistry together. Dragon and Taguchi get their turn to show off as the match goes into the final half. 

Really good match. Everyone looked great and everyone got to show off. If you've never seen anyone in this match it's on YouTube and worth a watch. It's a good showcase for the four talents and the two teams work well together. 

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