Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Day 15 2021


WWE Armageddon 2004

WWE United States Championship Street Fight

John Cena (c) vs. Jesus w/ Carlito

Jesus allegedly stabbed John Cena in a nightclub. So naturally instead of a police investigation or an arrest, they settle it at a wrestling PPV. Oh there’s no business like wrestling (that’s not completely true. every facet of entertainment is crawling with scum). 

Cena is set to kill mode before the bell even rings. Carlito proving that his Afro doesn’t hide a big brain spits at Cena which only makes the already pissed off champion more angry. Then Jesus pays for that crime as well as his own…for like ten-fifteen minutes. Great googly moogly Cena just beats the ever loving hell out of Jesus. Thank God New Jack didn’t get the job or this might have gotten really ugly. 

Jesus literally takes the brunt of offense in this match. The few strikes he does get in are completely no sold so Cena can keep kicking his ass. And fair enough in kayfabe the dude stabbed Cena so Cenas not operating like a normal human but still. After being assaulted with weapons, fists, and garbage Cena mercifully puts Jesus away with the FU. 

This was exactly what it was advertised to be. Cena getting revenge on Jesus once and for all. Jesus and Carlito played their roles fine and Cena looked like an absolute monster. Not a classic but effective in what it set out to be. 

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