Monday, December 13, 2021

Days 12 and 13 2021


JCW The Great American Smash

Singles Match

Hoodfoot vs. KTB

Hoodfoot is a giant mass of a man while KTB is also on the bigger side but smaller then Hoodfoot that’s for damn sure. As is tradition, the two hosses begin with a Shoulder Tackle contest. Hoodfoot wins out and sends KTB to the outside where he teases a dive but is foiled. 

The match heads back inside and Hood briefly retains control before a strike combo and Rolling Spear put KTB in the drivers seat. The match dissolves into a strike fest and Hoodfoot wins out. He succeeds in his second Suicide Dive. After this both men begin to trade elbows while the ref counts them out. He stops at nine as the two threaten to turn the violence on him. 

Back in the ring and we get a couple of big moves from Hoodfoot. Saito Suplex, Avalanches, and a second Saito Suplex but they fail to put away KTB. A little more brawling and a near KO ultimatum lead to KTB sealing the deal with a Lionsault. 

Beyond Wrestling Apocalypse Dudes

Singles Match

Orange Cassidy vs. Dick Justice

“Supercop” Dick Justice is billed from ‘Merica and weighs in at 50 Stars and 13 Bars…wrestling is better then any “real” sport. They start by feigning some devastating kicks to psych the other out (Dropping the schtick, Dicks actually was impressive for a guy built like a frozen turkey.). From there the two trade headlocks before going into an impressive display of athletics*! The two wunderkinds pull out the Ospreay/Ricochet Superhero landing spot and blow those vanilla midgets out of the water!

Some chops and an Airplane Spin give Dick the lead but then OC pulls out a Headscissors and delivers an impressive splash from the top rope…then tragedy strikes. OC grabs his bottled orange juice looking to finish the match but Dick pulls his gun. The ref tries to take the firearm away but the gun fires anyway. OC dodges the bullet and it takes out a camera man. The three loiter for a bit before bailing entirely. 

My God professional wrestling is AMAZING. 

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