Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Day 7 2021


WSX Unaired Episode 10

The Cartel (Delikado and Lil’ Cholo) vs. Los Pauchos Gaupos (Kaos and Aaron Aguilera)

Delikado is B-Boy under a mask and Aguilera stabbed John Cena once. I don’t know much about Cholo and Kaos outside of Cholos name appearing on some old PWG cards. 

Anyway, LPG have the mamacitas at home and the Cervezas on ice cause they got business to handle. They go right after El Jefe and  Mongol who accompanied Cartel to ringside. The action remains quick paced and Kaos takes a dive onto the managers. They tease Cholo going into the tank first but arguably the fall he takes is almost as bad. The tank was on a metal platform and Cholo hit the side of it and falls into the very small space between the platform and the ring steps. 

We get a second tease of The Cartel losing but in a brilliant move, Jefe and Mongol put a wooden pallet over the tank. A+ teamwork and psychology on WSX of all places, someone call Gwen Stefani. We get a little more brawling and some tank teases. The big story is that LPG are finally looking like a cohesive unit…then it goes to hell and Aguilera accidentally knocks Kaos into the tank instead of the Cartel member he was aiming for. 

This is just stupid fun. Exactly what WSX brought to the table en route to making their mark on wrestling.

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