Saturday, December 14, 2019

Day 14 2019

Warrior Wrestling 3

Team Whitewolf (A Kid and Carlos Romo) vs. Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix)

Kid and Romo have recently begun to break out of their small hometown scene in Spain working around the world. This particular trip to Chicago put them against the renowned and awesome Lucha Bros.. Matt Sydal was Kids original partner but he dropped out due to I think an injury. 

The two teams have similar styles and we see that early on with the incredible sequences between Fenix and Kid. It’s back and forth to begin but Whitewolf eventually take over. The keeps a consistent pace until the third act (so to speak) when they start revving shit up. 

A great match from two teams that work really together. I’m 99.9% this is a first time which only highlights the skills of all four men. The wrestling was smooth, the tag work was great, the crowd was into it. Awesome pro wrestling. 

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