Thursday, December 5, 2019

Day 5 2019

WWE Extreme Rules 2019
Cesaro vs. Aleister Black

I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the way they’ve booked Black since the split from Ricochet, but it did get us this match. It also looks like we’ll be getting Black vs. Buddy Murphy out of this stupid gimmick, so if great wrestlers keep knocking on Aleisters door then I guess beggars can’t be choosers. These two are two of my current day favorites to watch, so naturally this booking made me happy. 

The two waste no time and spend most of the match exchanging strikes. Both of these men are so goddamn smooth, the make this shit look easy. The two first time singles opponents have a great chemistry together. Both men excel at the wrestling and the selling during this match, and of course I can’t finish this review without bringing up the spot where Cesaro catches Blacks Meteora and turns it into a Very European Uppercut. Cesaro is a goddamn treasure.  

Fuck this match is great. I don’t know how many 100 Matches of 2019 this will make but it’s definitely one to seek out if WWE hasn’t been your cup of tea this year. Fuck the crowd for being silent most of this match. 

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