Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Day 24 2019

Day 24
WWF Raw 12/24/01
Bubba Clause vs. Tajiri Clause

Why am I more ok with this then Sandow vs. Mark Henry? Because neither of these guys wrestled for the World freaking Title two weeks before...anyway let’s stay on topic. Bubba Clause, or Bubba Santa as Lawler called him, is introduced first but personally I’m going to be referring to him as Santa Dudley cause I think it’s funny. D-Von accompanies Santa Dudley to the ring, and I’d call him Santa’s elf but that implies a master servant relationship and nothing says Christmas cheer like accidental race humor. I wish there was a spot where Tajiri Clause hit Santa Dudley with some kind of KFC themed weapon but alas wrestling isn’t perfect. 

Am I stalling? Yeah there’s not much here. A very basic match and not a lot to talk about in terms of in ring action (although Tajiri Clause pulls out an Asai Moonsault which is the gif that reminded me of this match and caused this review) but it’s the extra stuff that’s fun to talk about. Like Tajiri losing his wig mere seconds after the bell and Santa Dudley keeping his wig, beard, and glasses on for almost the entire match. 

Like I said not much in the way of an actual match, which is kind of a cop out, but it’s inoffensive and fun so wanna get in the spirit with a quick match, here’s a recommendation. 

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