Friday, December 6, 2019

Day 6 2019

WrestleCon: Mark Hitchcock Memorial Show 2019
Eddie Kingston vs. Masato Tanaka

The WrestleCon SuperShow has been a staple of WM weekend since about 2013. Like the name implies, the show brings together big names from the Indy scene and overseas. Hell this show alone also featured Tajiri and Jushin Thunder Liger mixing it up with the likes of LAX and Caleb Konely, while elsewhere on the card is Bandido vs. Will Ospreay and the Lucha Brothers competing against each other. But it’s the opener we’re here to discuss. 

Kingston is one of the premier brawlers of the 2000s and beyond Indy scene and Tanaka is a goddamn madman best known for his wars against Mike Awesome both in Japan and stateside in ECW. He’s out his boy through near literal hell and barely aged a day. He can also take and give as much as he ever could, just a little slower. 

Aside from the obvious slugfest this match becomes, Tanaka runs through his highlight reel. A Diamond Dust, Elbow Strikes, the Sliding D, Tornado DDT, etc. and it all looks good. He’s not selfish either as Kingston gets in a good amount of stiff offense including some nasty looking Saito Suplexs. 

A damn good slugfest between two legends of different scenes. Tanaka shows that he can still hang and Kingston makes him look like a million bucks. Well worth a watch via the Highspots Network (or whatever streaming sites you prefer I’m not here to judge.).

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