Thursday, December 5, 2019

Day 4 2019

WWE Fastlane 2015
Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan

Hot off the heels of what might be the most polarizing Royal Rumble match, the Roman Reigns hype train was full speed ahead to a showdown with Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title at WM Play Button. The crowds didn’t take well to this and even four years later some of the fans haven’t budged. In what almost feels like WWE higher ups fucking with the vocal audience, Daniel Bryan was given a chance to take the WM opportunity away from Roman. 

At first the match goes as expected with Bryan outmaneuvering Reigns. But his cockiness gets the best of him and Roman takes control turning the match into his preferred brawling style. One thing I didn’t remember is how slow the match is. On a match to match basis slower paced can either make for a tense match, or a boring one, for this one it works. 

The two throw everything at each other. From Bryan’s signature strikes to Roman pulling out moves I don’t think we’ve seen since (seriously when was the last time he used one Pump Handle Suplex, let alone three in a row?). The audience wavers in and out of this match but they bite for every near fall. 

This was a proving match for Roman and I’d say it almost succeeded. Bryan brought out the best in Reigns and they delivered a hell of a match. The stand out of possibly the first two or three Fastlanes. Great match, if it’s been a while I’d say check it out. 

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