Monday, December 2, 2019

Day 2 2019

WCW Starrcade 1990
WCW World Tag Team Championship Street Fight
Four Horsemen (Barry Windham and Arn Anderson) vs. Doom (Ron Simmons and Butch Reed)

Originally supposed to be Arn and Flair but Flair was attacked in his limo in kayfabe. But I think the Black Scorpion being booked in a Cage Match on the same show may have had something to do with the switch.  I have no idea of the backstory but apparently things got heated. 

In a nice touch both teams come out dressed in appropriate street clothes. It doesn’t take long for this match to turn literal becomes a fight as soon as the champions Doom step in the ring. Like a good old classic blood feud the weapons and the blood come quickly. By the end of this match all four men are busted open and beating the shit out of each other with fists, chairs, belts, and a small bit of wrestling.

Then the finish happens. Oh boy the finish happens. Both teams get the pin, leading to a no contest. The two teams continue brawling after everything is settled but nobody seems to really know what to make the situation. A good, intense fight with a pretty cruddy ending. 

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