Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Day 17 2019

Day 17

ROH: Conquest Tour-Philadelphia 
Adam Cole and Roderick Strong vs. reDRagon (Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly)

Well then this is quiet...shocking?

There’s an added touch to this match as Roddy and Fish and Cole and KOR and feuding as singles wrestlers. This leads to Roddy and Cole avoiding the respective members of reDRagon early on. KOR and Fish dominate early on, keeping the match on the mat. Things quickly break down into an all out fight on the floor, including some innovate tag work from Cole and Strong. 

The match slows down afterwards with the heels in control. KOR eventually outsmarts them to temporarily give reDRagon control again. They match picks up again with both teams throwing everything at each other.

Four great wrestlers out a great tag team match, who would’ve thunk. If you’ve seen their worm in NDT you know how well all those men work together and it’s on display in here. Great wrestling, great tag team work, great match. 

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