Saturday, December 7, 2019

Day 7 2019

AEW Dark 12/3/19
Proud-N-Powerful (Santana and Ortiz) vs. Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt)

Tag team wrestling can be great. Whether its something old school and story heavy like DIY vs. Revival or something fast paced and spot heavy aka Lucha Six Man Tags. And then there’s ones that have a little of both. 

While this match is quick paced it’s not an outright spotfest. PNP actually isolate, dominate, and mock the much, much smaller Stunt. Jungle Boys hot tag is great and the match gets a little more spotty towards the end on the part of the faces.  Both have great chemistry between the partners and judging from this match between each other as well. Not an all time classic but a very good, very fun sprint. 

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