Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Day 18 2019

Day 18 

PWG:DDT4 2011
The Briscoes vs. Kevin Steen and Akira Tozawa

Sweet Jesus this is my type of match. 

An absolute barn burner. The four teams move quickly and don’t shy away from some stiff strikes. It’s really well booked too, with the experienced team of the Briscoes pulling out tag team combos while Steen and Tozawa fend for themselves more or less. The crowd is absolutely on fire for this match. Steen and Tozawa looked great for first time partners. 

Great match depending on your preferences. If you like the more psychology driven wrestling with old school Tag Team work than this match isn’t for you. If you don’t mind four guys just busting their asses for upwards of ten minutes then like you’ll enjoy the hell out of this. 

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