Monday, December 2, 2024

Day 2 2024


[b]TNA Hard to Kill 2022[/b]

[b]Ultimate X Match

Chelsea Green vs. Tasha Steelz vs. Lady Frost vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Alisha vs. Rosemary[/b]

The first ever Knockouts Ultimate X match. The Knockouts Division has been one of TNAs main selling points on and off since the divisions inception in 2006/07. At a time when WWE was throwing mostly half trained eye candy into the ring for five minutes tops, TNA was giving fans wars between Awesome Kong and Gail Kim. This match could’ve realistically happened at one point between then and 2022 but good things come to those who wait, and it’s the journey not the destination. 

Ultimate X is a train wreck disguised as a wrestling match and it’s beautiful…usually. The women brawl for a bit and a problem presents itself pretty quickly. The interactions between Green and Steelz, though brief, were rough. Their strike-dodge sequenced look like rehearsal footage and they almost fucked up a double team maneuver but thankfully Steelz and Grace managed to recover that. 

But I’m going out of order. After the early attempts at getting the X and general chaos, Savannah Evans and Havok, the tag partners of Steelz and Rosemary respectively, get involved but they’re really only there for the first big spot of the match. Chelsea and Alisha climb one of the poles and instead of fighting decide to jump back onto groups of their opponents. Alisha unfortunately got her foot caught in the apron as she came down and sat out a good chunk of the match. The worst part is, the camera didn’t even catch her landing on Decay. 

Lady Frost follows that up immediately with some flippy shit onto the group minus Alisha. The match moves back into the ring and proving there’s some kind of bad juju between them, Chelsea loses her grip on the cable and falls with one foot going right into Steelz. We get a couple more big spots, Frost Moonsaulting off of the pillar, and a weird Sky High from the cable by Grace that the camera just completely misses. Alisha returns to the fray swinging her kendo stick named Kendra and starts cracking away like the goddamn Sandman. She makes a bid for the X but a Tope Rope Spear from rosemary stops that. For some reason Alisha took a front bump on that which was weird but whatever. The match ends not long after with Green and Steelz both making a play for the X. Steelz wins and falls to the ring with the X winning the match. 

This wasn’t as good as I was expecting but it was still good. I’m being lenient on a couple things because of the nature of Ultimate X and this being the first time any of them have been in the match but nothing is too egregious on the wrestlers part aside from whatever Green and Steelz had going on between them. The camera man on the other hand missed the impact on at least three big spots, and when the match doesn’t feature that many big spots that’s a really glaring problem. 

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