Sunday, December 8, 2024

Day 8 2024


TNA Genesis 2013

Knockouts Championship Number One Contenders Gauntlet Match

I think I was still watching TNA regularly at the time but it’s a blur if I’m being honest. Anywho I had no idea who to even expect in this match and I have nothing else to say. Let’s get into it. 

Out first is the first Knockouts Champion and foundation of the entire division Gail Kim. Kim’s had a weird career but TNAs always done her right. Out second is Miss Tessmacher, Brooke from ECWs Extreme Expose…so yeah clash of the greats right here. 

To be fair, Tess does well against Kim. Not at first but they get there. Nothing too fancy given the concept of the match and it’s on fast forward. Kim puts Tess with an Eat Defeat and out comes wrestler number three, Mrs. Eric Young, ODB. 

Kim tries to get the jump on ODB by attacking her on the ramp, but ODB uses her boobs to knock Kim off her feet. Second verse same as the first, nothing much to write home about before Kim rolls ODB up and grabs a handful of panties for the elimination. 

The crowd erupt as Mickie James is next out. Clear, clear discrepancy between whose over as ODB was met with near silence. Tess and Kim were good, Kim and ODB were better, this is where the match peaks. The wrestling is so smooth between these two and having the crowd into helps so much. With the match winding down, spoilers, they start to pull out a little more tricks, the most notable being a Hurricanrana on the floor from Mickie. It looked so good. 

Questionable refereeing from Taryn Terrell as Kim rolls Mickie up again with a handful of pants. Mickie is very clearly close enough to the ropes to constitute a break but Taryn just counts along. Cue Tazz harping on it as we get our last constant, Velvet Sky. 

Kim blindsides The Beautiful Person and throws her into the steps. VelVel almost gets counted but makes it in at nine. Kim immediately pins her by putting her knee against her throat. I’m no Charles Robinson but I’m pretty sure that shouldn’t be a legal count but wrestling doesn’t operate by real world logic so Taryn just counts. 

Vel kicks out however and mouths a comeback. Kim tries to go back to the roll up well but Velvets wearing this weird full body pantyhose thing so she can’t grab the tights. Taryn catches trying to us the ropes and an argument ensues. Velvet capitalizes and hits a Sit Out Pedigree which looked real fucking weird. She’s successful however as Taryn doesn’t see Kim’s foot under the ropes. 

This was what it was. Kim was the all star and it looked like she was gonna sweep it. The match is simple but it works. Kim and James are great together, and Tess and ODB hold their own as well. We don’t get much from VelVel, which is probably for the better. Tazz on commentary…I have a soft spot for the man but oof. He was at his worse in this match, wouldn’t shut up, and kept harping on the same jokes and points. Tenay and the other dweeb whose name I don’t remember and don’t care enough to look up try to keep things on track but Tazz is just distracting. I think the only other time commentary has distracted me to this degree was when Mark Madden was on the call. I’m sorry Tazz.

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